Do Your Laundry or You'll Die Alone: Advice your mom would give you if she thought you were listening by Becky Blades
I guess I don't have to worry about dying alone since laundry seems to have taken over my life. Said laundry might kill me though. The advice in this book ranges from light-hearted to serious and was written when Blades' elder daughter left for college.
#76: Plan a trip to Paris. Thought it may be a faraway fantasy, setting your sights on a trip to Paris releases your inner French girl and makes every day more chic. Studying Paris--or any place you long to visit--is a luscious way to spend your web-surfing time. By the time you get there, it will feel like a long-lost friend.
I dream of my next trip to France. I prefer real travelling, but arm-chair travelling is far less expensive.
#83: Own a tutu and a boa. Because you just never know.
#91 Black is the new black. Black is not back because black was never gone.
I own several black dresses. Now I just need a tutu and a boa to go with them.
# 145 Use Titles of Respect. Call your friend's dad "Mr." even if he says you don't have to. If you know someone is a doctor, call her "Dr." She worked hard for it.
My best friend still calls my dad "Mr." and he appreciates it. My title is Dr.
Also, your professor is not your best friend; address emails to your professor or TA using his/her appropriate title. And READ THE SYLLABUS.
#216: You're never too old for crayons.
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